
Contract for the provision of personal services as an Environmental Engineer, to develop activities within the framework of contract 249-2024 GDCON - SPD Superintendence, for the taking, processing and analysis of water quality samples to the prioritized providers within the framework of the investment Optimization of inspection, control and surveillance actions of the quality of water supplied to users of the aqueduct service at the national level and Strengthening of actions

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   29 de May, 2024
   publicado: 29 de May, 2024

Texto original

Informacióntranslator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#_helpfdsRequestSummaryInfoHelpText'),'')UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA getContent('', 'fdsRequestSummaryInfo_tblDetail_trRowBuyer_tdCell1_ctzBusinessCard');Precio estimado total:translator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#lblBasePriceGen'),'')24.835.289 COP Número del...
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