
Strategic Objectives- To ensure the sustainable development of tourism in the Dominican Republic through effective planning, regulation and oversight of tourism activity.- To promote the competitiveness, diversification and sustainability of the Dominican tourism sector and its territories through its promotion, development and development at national and international levels.- To manage the handling and control of tourism destinations through intersectoral public-private integration, ensuring their competitiveness and sustainability.- To ensure the effectiveness of the actions and services developed by the Ministry of Tourism through quality management.

Procurement Plan

Información general

   26 de Ago, 2024
   publicado: 26 de Ago, 2024

Texto original

Ministerio de Turismo202430/01/2024518,225,721 Dominican Pesos1623/08/2024PublishedDetailDownload   Back  if(history.length == 1) $('#frmMainForm_tblMainTable_trRow1_tdCell1_tbToolBar_lnkBack').hide(); General InfoGeneral InfoBuyer: Ministerio de Turismo

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getContent('', 'ctzCompanyOwner');Year: 2024State: Published Mission and Vision:...
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