
Strategic Objectives: Strategic Objective: Facilitation And Security Description: To Lead And Promote Legal Trade, Protecting Society By Implementing Comprehensive Risk Management In All Customs Processes. Strategic Objective: Institutionality And Standardization Description: To Have An Efficient Administrative Management System, Appropriate Regulations And A Capable And Honest Human Team. Strategic Objective: Efficiency And Innovation Description: To Be A Modern Customs, Applying Simplified And Uniform Processes Through Innovation And Technology.

Procurement Plan

Información general

   31 de Ago, 2024
3188705117 DOP
   publicado: 31 de Ago, 2024

Texto original

Dirección General de Aduanas y Puertos202416/01/20243,188,705,117 Dominican Pesos8530/08/2024PublishedDetailDownload


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Dirección General de Aduanas y Puertos

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