
Landscape Maintenance Services

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   16 de Sep, 2024
9 de Oct, 2024
City of Stirling
   publicado: 16 de Sep, 2024

Datos para contacto

   City of Stirling
25 Cedric Street, Stirling WA 6021
   (08) 9205 8555

Bienes, Obras y Servicios

Servicios de arquitectura paisajística

Documentos de licitación y ficheros adjuntos

  • (16 de Sep, 2024)
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notice_summary_english: The City of Stirling (Principal) is seeking tenders from competent companies
to provide Landscape Maintenance Services within the City of Stirling
geographical area for the following categories:
• Category 1 – Scheduled Landscape Maintenance
• Category 2 – Additional Work / Unscheduled Services
• Category 3 – Application of Mulch (Blowing)
No mandatory site inspections will be arranged for this Tender. Aerial
photographs of the sites included in Category 1 are provided as attachment
to Specification document (Appendix 6). It is expected and recommended
that Tenderers will carry out their own inspections at each site at their own
discretion before submitting a Tender to familiarise themselves with the
requirements of each site.
local_title: Landscape Maintenance Services
type_of_procedure: Other
bidding_response_method: Not Available

Texto original

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