
Purchase raw materials for the factory of prosthetic limbs for the benefit of the National Institute for the Neuromotor System

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   19 de Sep, 2024
21 de Oct, 2024
General Authority for Hospitals and Educational Institutes
   publicado: 19 de Sep, 2024

Datos para contacto

   General Authority for Hospitals and Educational Institutes
16 أ Al Kasr Al Aini, Al Eini, El Sayeda Zeinab, Cairo Governorate 4260010, Egypt
   +20 2 23648073

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notice_summary_english: Purchase raw materials for the factory of prosthetic limbs for the benefit of the National Institute for the Neuromotor System
local_title: شراء مواد خام لمصنع الاطراف الصناعية لصالح المعهد القومي للجهاز العصبي الحركي
type_of_procedure: Other
bidding_response_method: Not Available

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