
THE CONTRACTOR undertakes with THE CONTRACTOR to carry out, as a hydraulic specialist, the designs aimed at the activities that allow the optimization of the aqueduct system of the populated center of the Municipality of Providencia in what corresponds to a coherent functional articulation of said system from the due identification of the technical solution to guarantee the supply of said territory from the aqueduct of the populated center of the Corregimiento of San José del Nus, d

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   28 de May, 2024
   publicado: 28 de May, 2024

Texto original

Informacióntranslator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#_helpfdsRequestSummaryInfoHelpText'),'')UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA getContent('', 'fdsRequestSummaryInfo_tblDetail_trRowBuyer_tdCell1_ctzBusinessCard');Precio estimado total:translator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#lblBasePriceGen'),'')35.700.000 COP Número del...
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