
Preparation of Re-Design the Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for the New Office Building of the Secretary of State of Equality (SEI).

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

Timor Oriental
   14 de Ago, 2024
24 de Sep, 2024
National Procurement Commission

RFP/082/SEI-2024 Date: 14 August 2024

1. The National Procurement Commission (NPC) – Ministry of Planning, and Strategic Investment (MPIE) on behalf of Secretary of State of Equality (SEI, Portuguese Acronym) - Government of Timor-Leste is inviting proposals from the interested Consulting firms for the:

Preparation of Re-Design the Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for the New Office Building of the Secretary of State of Equality (SEI).

2. Funding for these Services will be made from “Infrastructure Fund” of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

3. The Project is at Avenida Martires da Patria, Caicoli located in Dili, Timor-Leste.

4. The maximum budget for this project USD 308,630.00 (Three Hundred Eight Thousand Six Hundred Thirty United States Dollars) inclusive of all applicable taxes. The Employer may disqualify the financial proposal exceeding the budget. Consultant shall be responsible for paying of all related taxes. Consultant shall provide justification in the financial proposal if abnormally low-financial proposal (thirty 30% lower than estimate).

5. The consulting service comprises 26 person-months of International Experts and 28 persons-months of National Experts input over duration of 6 months. The Proposal Validity is 180 days after the submission of the Proposal.

6. A firm will be selected under the Quality and Cost Base Selection (QCBS) Method with weights given to Technical & Financial Proposals are (80:20) and other selection criteria like, Experience of Firm, Experience of Experts and Approach and Methodology, Work Program and Personnel Schedule described in this RFP. The minimum technical score required to pass is: 75%. The Client shall award the contract to the Consultant with the highest combined score evaluated in accordance with the procedure specified under Section 2 & 3 of RFP, provided further that the Consultant is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

7. The procurement shall be conducted as single stage-two envelope procedures, wherein the Technical and Financial Proposals shall be submitted together in separately-sealed envelopes.

8. Interested Consulting firms may obtain further information from:

National Procurement Commission
Avenida de Balide, Património do Estado, Díli, Timor-Leste
Email: jf@cna.gov.tl
cc: as@cna.gov.tl; ns@cna.gov.tl; rl@cna.gov.tl; lh@cna.gov.tl; ls@cna.gov.tl

9. Participation in this selection process is open to all interested international and national Consultants. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to the qualification requirements detailed in the RFP.

10. The RFP including Proposal Submission Forms is available free-of-charge to any interested Consultants (Local or International Consulting Firms) by sending a written request by email after which a PDF copy of the RFP will be sent by email.

11. A pre-proposal conference will be held at 15:00 hours local time on 02 September 2024 at the same address specified above.

12. The selected consultant will be required to submit a Performance Guarantee in the form of an unconditional and non-revocable bank guarantee. Bank Guarantee issued by an overseas bank shall have a corresponding bank in Timor-Leste.

13. The proposals must be received in the Tender Box located at the same address specified above no later than 15:00 hours local time on 24 September 2024;

14. Technical Proposal will be opened on 24 September 2024 at 15:00 hours local time after the closing time for the submission of the proposals at the same address in the presence of consultants who wish to attend.

15. Any Proposal or its modification received by the Employer after the deadline shall be declared late and rejected, and promptly returned unopened.


Hermingardo Albano Soares
Diretor Executivo – Comissão Nacional de Aprovisionamento (CNA)
   Licitación nacional
   publicado: 14 de Ago, 2024

Datos para contacto

   Hermingardo A. Soares
Executive Director
National Procurement Commission
Avenida de Balide
Timor Oriental
   Presione aquí
   www.cna.gov.tl / www.mof.gov.tl

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