
The National Health Service is committed to ensuring the quality of the provision of health services, under criteria of equity and accessibility, applying management based on excellence, continuous improvement of processes and strengthening of the SRS, acting with transparency in compliance with the laws and regulations that govern the health sector, thus exceeding the expectations and needs of individuals, families and communities.

Procurement Plan

Información general

   12 de Sep, 2024
   publicado: 12 de Sep, 2024

Texto original

Servicio Nacional de Salud202430/01/20245,697,739,709 Dominican Pesos4006/09/2024PublishedDetailDownload   Back  if(history.length == 1) $('#frmMainForm_tblMainTable_trRow1_tdCell1_tbToolBar_lnkBack').hide(); General InfoGeneral InfoBuyer: Servicio Nacional de Salud

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getContent('', 'ctzCompanyOwner');Year: 2024State: Published Mission and Vision:...
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