
1] Partial replacement and maintenance of the Martyr Bahbah Abdel-Alim Abbas Elementary School in Qena 2] Partial replacement and maintenance of Al-Jazirah Elementary School in Qena 3] Partial replacement and maintenance of Nagaa Moein Mixed Preparatory School in Qena 4] Partial replacement, elevation and maintenance of Kalaheen Abnoud Elementary School in Qena 5] Expansion and maintenance of Nagaa Qaboul Primary Mixed School in Qena 6] Partial replacement and maintenance of the main preparatory and secondary school in Qena 7] Complete replacement and maintenance of Sheikh Hussein and Al-Nawail Primary School in Qena 8] Partial replacement and maintenance of Al-Qamana Primary School for Mixed Education in Qena 9] Partial replacement of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Primary School in Qena 10] Partial replacement and elevation of Al-Qanawiya Combined Elementary School in Qena 11] Expansion and maintenance of Al-Salihiya Elementary School in Qena 12] Establishing the official Qena Language School in Qena 13] Establishing the new Matara Island Primary School in Qena 14] Establishment of Al-Brahma Secondary School in Qena

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   20 de Sep, 2024
   publicado: 20 de Sep, 2024

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