
Comprehensive water supply scheme for Villianur Subzone and surrounding areas in Puducherry

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   27 de Mar, 2025
10 de Abr, 2025
INDIA - Public Works Department - AFD Project Unit - Puducherry
   1) Financial Capabilities - INR 942.00 lakhs
2) Minimum Annual Turnover - Minimum average annual turnover of INR 5651 lakhs for the last 5years.
3) General Construction Experience - Experience under construction contracts in the role of prime contractor, JV member for at least the last 5 years, starting 1st January 2020.
4) Specific Construction & Contract Management Experience - i) A minimum number of similar contracts specified below that have been satisfactorily completed and commissioned as a prime contractor, joint venture member between 1st January 2020and application submission deadline: One contract of minimum value INR 4521 lakhs.
5) Specific Experience:
5.1 Providing, laying, jointing testing & commissioning of DI / MS pipes 50.72 Kms for diameters
a) 100 mm and above- 37.98km
b) 150mm and above-6.94km
c) 200mm and above- 2.43km
d) 250mm and above-1.43km
e) 350mm and above-1.94km
5.2. Experience in construction of OHT of 1.60 ML
5.3. Experience in construction of sump / reservoir of 0.6 ML
5.4. Providing, spreading, rolling & compaction of GSB/WBM/WMM for 7444Cum
5.5 Providing, spreading, rolling & compaction of BM/BC/SDBC for 4479Cum
5.6. Providing & installing 3145 house service connection with water meters
5.7. Supplying, erection and commissioning of 3 Nos of 60HP or more centrifugal motors and pumpsets in a water supply system
5.8. Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 200KVA HT Transformer total output loads executed
6) ESHS Certification(s) : a)Quality management certificate ISO 9001; b) Health and safety management certificate ISO 45001
7) ESHS Dedicated Personnel : Availability of in-house personnel dedicated to ESHS issues: Environmental and Social Manager, and/or Health and Safety Manager
   Licitación nacional
565158027 INR
   publicado: 27 de Mar, 2025

Datos para contacto

   Sundaramoorthy Rathinavel
Executive Engineer
AFD Project Unit, Public Works Department, Puducherry
63, Subash Chandra bose street, Ist floor (Computer Design Centre), PWD Complex, Puducherry. India
Puducherry, Puducherry 605001
   + 91413-2338233
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Bienes, Obras y Servicios

Distribución de agua

Documentos de licitación y ficheros adjuntos

  • Enmienda: Corrigendum I for bid completion period and specific experience (90 KB; 11 de Mar, 2025)
  • Enmienda: Percentage components of material and labour (39 KB; 14 de Mar, 2025)
  • Enmienda: Extension of bid submission date (5 MB; 27 de Mar, 2025)
  • Anexo: Bid Document (4 MB; 14 de Feb, 2025)
  • Preguntas y respuestas: Pre bid minutes and reply to pre bid queries (482 KB; 11 de Mar, 2025)
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